Friday, April 30, 2010

Wendy Williams Covers Jet Magazine

Wendy Williams is on the cover of the new Jet Magazine which hits stores May 3rd. In the new issue Wendy dishes on what life is like behind the cameras:
“Being a family woman at this particular juncture, with my career, it is the one thing that absolutely holds me together and keeps me totally focused,” says the 45-year-old Williams of her husband, Kevin Hunter, and 9-year-old son Kevin Jr. “My business is in New York, but my life, the salt of where I’m from, is here in Jersey.

Spending time by myself with no telephone, a little TV, a little crafting, I may put tracks in my wigs or reorganize my white T-shirts…I enjoy my own company, I like the woman that I’ve become,”

For more go pick up the new issue of Jet. How y'all doin?


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