Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aaliyah's New Biopic

First Notorius BIG now Aaliyah seems to have a movie in the works as well. According to sources the woman photo'd above a Canadian songstress by the name of Keshia Chante has been casted for the leading role of Aaliyah. No word as to when the movie is set to come out but I'l keep you all posted! I hope she fills the shoes well!


yroseb said...

Glad to hear they are doing a movie on her. I loved her music.

Don said...

i too cannot wait to see a movie about aaliyah's life.

Anonymous said...

yea man i cant wait until her movie cumz out imma beh tha first 1 tooh see it......#1 fan of Aaliyah and im glad they got a pretty singer that kinda lookz alot like Aaliyah......i jus hope Keisha Chante make us Aaliyah fanz Proud!!!!