Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Star Publicist Upgrades his List of Down Lows in Hollyweird

So yesterday I reported about publicist to the stars Jonathan Jaxson and his list of the down lows in hollywood, but it seems like he is not done yet! Today he has upgraded the list and here's what he has to say:

On Ludacris:

Ludacris, back when he was "Chris Luva-Luva", was sleeping with a random gay guy, who is now a gay porn star. The porn stars name is Gordon. I don't know what his porn name is...

On Magic Johnson:

I knew a girl in LA who was Magic Johnson's assistant, and she talked about the gay sex parties that Magic, Eddie Murphy, and Arsenio used to have together.

On Johnnie Gill And Eddie Murphy:

Johnnie Gill & Eddie Murphy have been sleeping together for years....

On Eva Pigford, Missy Elliot, Da Brat And Trina:

Missy Elliott was having sex with singer Trina until Da Brat stole her away. Also Missy & "America's Next Top Model," Eva Pigford were together. Eva was also sleeping the woman who was the Executive Producer for Girlfriends and that's how she got her own show on BET!

And there is more where that came from check back tommorow for the rest.

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