Monday, August 13, 2007

Kelly to re-release Ms. Kelly

So don't know how true all this is but according to a blog That Grape Juice, Kelly is reportedly in the studio re-mixing all of the tracks. Here's their statemnt about it:

"Since the release and subsequent poor performance of Kelly Rowland's sophomore CD 'Ms. Kelly', there have been calls for a re-release to bolster sales. It now appears that a reworked version of the album may be in the pipeline afterall. Following a concert in Atlanta this past Friday (August 11th), the singer was quoted as saying she was on her way to the studio to record more tracks. Whilst it's common-practice for artists to record in between projects etc, the comment is interesting when considering her manager Matthew Knowles' new 'multi-tiered' (spread across time) approach to releasing records - first shown with Beyonce's 'B'Day' project. For what it's worth, producer Brian Michael-Cox ('Bad Habit', 'Be Without You' etc) was in attendance at the concert."

Okay so you failed then flopped the first time and admitted your a failure, whats next you flop the second time and admit your a retard and a dissapointment! This whole set up has Matthew Knowles all over it! Girl get out while you can....

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